We recuperate unused materials from construction sites and textile manufacturers for our garments.
Here’s the how and why:
About 10-15% of building materials are over-ordered and will be discarded once construction is complete. We intervene (interlope, if you will) and recover that material and divert it from going to landfill. An additional source is straight from the material manufacturers who discard end-of-roll and off-cut material, and either incinerate it or send it to landfill.
Garment Production:
Intentional, minimal waste construction of the garments is an integral part of our mission.
Each garment is simply and efficiently constructed, using the maximum possible amount of material.
Though we are not completely zero waste, we do our best to be as close to it as possible. By already using material destined for landfill, we are mitigating the amount of material waste ending up in landfill, polluting the ground, groundwater, and offgassing CO2. Keeping materials in use allows them a longer life and helps us as consumers adjust our consumption-discard behavioral cycle.
The garments are constructed with intention of extending the lifecycle
of these already repurposed materials. The design and patterning of the
pieces considers minimal tampering of the material (keeping pieces and
panels as large as possible without puncture or manipulation) to allow for
another iteration once no longer wanted or needed in its current state.
Once more, designing with a longer life for the material in mind.
The Tyvek Trench, for example, can be remade into 4-5 tote bags.
The denim insulation suit is already a product of a recycled material: jeans.
The suit can be shredded and made into pulp for reuse
in a vest, pillows, pet beds, acoustical insulation, etc.